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Make the most of low hourly electricity prices

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Hehku Pörssi (market price)

0,42 c/kWh 

+ hourly spot price
+ basic fee €1,55 /month
incl. VAT 25,5 %

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Optimize your electricity consumption to the low cost hours and save money

Your elecricity price is always up to date

No long-term commitments

Market price is always up to date

Hehku Pörssi is an electricity contract that follows the electricity market price (so called spot price). The price per kWh varies hourly according to the current market price in the Nor Pool electricity exchange and it sets the hourly price for the Finnish market.

With this contract type, you can optimize your electricity consuption and benefit from the low market prices. The downside is the risk of price volatility. While prices can drop low, they can also climb high.

With Hehku Pörssi, you don't commit to long contract terms. You can terminate the contract with a 14-day notice.

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Looking for electricity for businesses?

Business electricity contracts

Available for all contracts

Renewable EKOenergy

Make a sustainable choice and choose certified renewable EKOenergy as an added service for 1,29 c/kWh

100% Fossil-free

Decrease your carbon footprint and choose fossil free energy sources as an added service for 0,69 c/kWh

Solar panel's surplus energy

If you have a solar panels, we'll buy your surplus energy production at the spot price of the Finnish market (fee 0,31 c/kWh).

Keep an eye on electricity market prices

Track the hourly electiricty prices on Nord Pool's website an optimize your consumption accordingly.

To Nord Pool website

Frequently asked about Hehku Pörssi contract

What is exchange electricity, market price or spot price?
How is the electricity price formed in a market-priced energy contract?


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  +358 9 6898 8780

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